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Rujukan Yang Sesuai @ WikipediA


Jika urusniaga telah berlangsung, dan saya telah terlepas pandang untuk editkan ruangan di blog ini sebagai "Sold" atau "Sold out", saya harap dapat dimaafkan. Takut-takut ada sahabat yang berminat, tetapi barang sudah terjual.

Pihak Kami bersedia mengubah saiz bagi cincin yang dijual sebanyak +- 2 drp saiz asal. Kos tambahan ialah RM 10 - RM 20 shj, keculi perubahan yg melibatkan saiz sangat besar dgn tambahan bahan yg banyak. bergantung kpd keadaan



Khamis, Oktober 28, 2010


Selasa, Oktober 26, 2010

Penyakit tekanan darah rendah

Tekanan darah rendah boleh menyebabkan kita rasa sangat letih bahkan jika serious mungkin koma. Cara mengatasinya secara tradisi biasanya ialah dengan mengambil daun cekur manis atau asin-asin.....sila rujuk "biarkan herba bercakap"
terima kasih daun keladi...ada masa sila berkunjunglah lagi.

Kata orang berpengalaman

kata mereka bila aku melihat aku, itulah diri yang paling cantik..... kata mereka...bilakah ia akan jadi kata kita?

Selasa, Oktober 19, 2010

Peluru tabur

Pakai serkap jarang atau main tuduh sahaja adalah tidak sihat dalam etika perniagaan. Jika kita rasa ragui terhadap sesaorang dalam urusniaga silalah berhubung terus kepada tuannya, kerana berdasarkan percakapan orang lain belum tentu kita mendapat kebenarannya. Apatah lagi jika wujud pelanduk dua serupa dalam wajah perniagaan, orang lain yang kita nak tembak tapi orang lain pula yang terkena....kasihan.

Tok Kadir juga terluka dan tembus jika terkena peluru serkap jarang, belum khatam ilmu kebal...SALAM DAN WASSALAM.

Khamis, Oktober 14, 2010

Tanah Geran Mukim , Lot 3446 untuk dijual

 Keluasan 4 ekar 495 depa persegi.
RM 60,000/ ekar
Jalan Pasir Mas - Rantau Panjang
Masuk ke simpang Batu Karang atau lebih tepat ialah Gual Dalam, Mukim Apam, Pasir Mas
2 km drp jalan berturap 
 Kemudahan jalan batu kuari serta tiang elektrik (TNB) tepi tanah.

Tidak melalui mana-mana orang tengah (broker) - milik sendiri
Berminat-Sila hubungi saya
Sebahagiannya telah ditanam getah pada  2 tahun yang lepas.

Sebab jual kerana saya tidak sempat menguruskannya.

Sila double-klick gambar untuk pembesaran

Rabu, Oktober 13, 2010

Jumaat, Oktober 08, 2010

Pengkhianatan dan pembohongan dalam internet semakin canggih

Terkini dan agak berkesan buat mereka...kononnya kita terima email daripada rakan atau kenalan kita. Dalam email tersebut kononnya rakan kitalah yang menyatakan peluang membeli barangan murah dengan memberikan alamat website berkenaan, asli dan cepat dihantar....awas jangan terpedaya!.
Biasanya ia ditulis dalam bahasa inggeris walaupun rakan kita sama bangsa. Sebenarnya itu bukan  email daripada kenalan kita tetapi pihak yang berkepentingan telah menggunakan nama dan alamat email member kita. Sudah ramai yang tertipu dengan hal tersebut. Kerugian yang mungkin amat besar dialami oleh kita yang terpedaya.  Pembayaran yang dibuat oleh pembeli pasti tidak akan dikembalikan, sementara item yang dibeli tentu tidak akan diterima. Pembayaran melalui Western Union atau bank transfer sahaja diterima. Jika pembayaran melalui paypal, pasti paypal sendiri gagal mengembalikan wang kita yamg telah hangus...AWAS BERHATI-HATI DENGAN WEBSITE ATAU BLOG SCAM INI, JANGAN KITA TERUS RUGI KERANA TERLALU PERCAYA. Sila rujuk anti-scam website atau Anti-Fraud International atau


atau mungkin ada yang minat dengan permata zamrud ini

Sila layari Zamrud atau Serious Buyer Only
@ fail poket

Khamis, Oktober 07, 2010

Rabu, Oktober 06, 2010

Selasa, Oktober 05, 2010

Ahad, Oktober 03, 2010


RM 40 termasuk pos di Semenanjung

Sabtu, Oktober 02, 2010

Jam dan niaga

Mulai hari ini saya terpaksa membuang satu daripada ruang fail poket, iaitu Jam Pilihanku. Ini kerana saya rasakan ia agak kurang sesuai berdasarkan harga perolehan atau modal pembeliannya agak besar buat masa ini.. Bukan soal harga modal yang besar yang saya bimbang, tetapi persoalannya kepada siapa saya mahu menjualnya, atau siapa yang mahu membeli. Bayangkan jika dah modal agak besar, ambil sedikit untungpun dah nampak mahal. Jadi keputusan muktamad saya penjualan jam buat masa ini dihentikan dulu. Apapun kepada rakan yang berminat bolehlah cuba menghubungi dan bertanyakan saya jika stok lama masih ada tersimpan oleh saya. Sekian terima kasih.

Rabu, September 29, 2010


Hold 15/12/10

Harga RM 25 termasuk pos

Maaf, kali ini dalam bahasa entah apa-apa..!!! hematiteku sayang...jangan pening dalam bahasa.
Satu hal lagi janganlah ambil semua maklumat yang ada di bawah ini, kerana ia mungkin merbahaya kepada akidah kita. pakai setengah-setengah saja.
In Western Astrology, Hematite is associated with Capricorn, Aries and Aquarius, all signs whose supposed personalities are in need of a good, calming and grounding stone. Saturn rules the stone in astrology, but in Roman Myth, Hematite is a symbol of Mars, their incarnation of the God of War. It also symbolizes the hour of 2 a.m.
Human cultures have long associated Hematite with blood because of the deep red color of its streak. The root of the name Hematite is the Greek word for blood, haima. This has given rise to much of the healing myths that surround Hematite today.
Physical Healing
As mentioned above, mineral and crystal healers associate Hematite with blood and use it in their rituals for treating blood-related illnesses such as hemophilia, anemia, heart, kidney and liver diseases, cardio-vascular weakness, menstrual cramps, and nose bleeds. They also recommend it for use in treating the stress of jet lag, birth and surgery, tumors, insomnia, leg cramps, nervous disorders and fevers. Hematite was also a Native American remedy for dental problems, pimples, canker sores and alcohol abuse.
Mental Healing
Crystal healers credit Hematite with the ability to bring about a calm mental state, improve memory, mental focus and concentration, bolster self-confidence, and increase the effectiveness of logical processes of the brain. Considered by followers of the New Age to be an excellent stone for treating mental stress, Hematite has a reputation for helping people bring order to mentally chaotic situations by drawing tension out of the body, neutralizing negativity and releasing anger. They also recognize its power for increasing mental function and believe it can improve memory, mathematical processes, logic, creativity and mental dexterity. Finally, it is an excellent aid in meditation, recognized by healers for calming the mental state, tuning the consciousness and increasing the pathways that lead to inner knowledge.
 The ancient Egyptians used Hematite in the creation of their magical amulets such as the carpenter stone and head rest amulets and several heart amulets. Some of these amulets were treatments for madness and inflammation. The Greek word haima, which means blood, is the root of Hematite’s name and originates from the stone’s dark red streak. Hematite relates to the Mars, the Roman God of War. The Romans glorified Mars more than the Greeks did, who loathed him and knew him as Ares. Warriors in Roman times used Hematite as protection during battle. So strong was their belief in the power of Hematite to protect them that they thought it could even make them invincible. Some cultures even believed Hematite formed from blood that had fallen on the ground of a battlefield. Red Ochre is a paint that originated in Native American cultures, who used it as a face paint.
ColorHematite is a mineral appearing as metallic gray, red gray, red brown with a metallic luster; it may even look more like a metal than a mineral when encountered in nature. The name Hematite originates from the Greek word for blood, haima, which refers to the dark red color of the mineral’s streak. When crushed, Hematite will turn water red. Specular Hematite (Hematite with a reflective finish) has iridescent colors in its finish. Thin slices of Hematite appear red and transparent.
CrystalHematite crystals are members of the Trigonal System group, which is a subset of the Hexagonal system. It is also conchoidal and may appear as a phantom within other crystals.
UsesHematite, with its high iron content is a very useful mineral. As just mentioned, its chemical composition contains a high percentage of Iron (70%) and it is the primary ore used to create Iron. Beyond its use as an ore, jewelers appreciate its shiny luster for creating engravings, cameos, cabochons, beads and imitation diamonds. Red Ochre is a pigment created from Hematite that was used in Native American cultures for face paint.
FormsHematite appears in many forms in nature, such as Kidney Ore, a bumpy ore that has an appearance likened to a kidney; Hematite Rose, a formation with crystals in the shape of petals; Tiger Iron, a sedimentary rock with Hematite mixed into its multiple layers; Oolitic, sedimentary deposits of small, circular Hematite grains; and Micaceous Hematite, a scaly, shiny stone valued for decorative uses. Its soft Earthy, form is called Red Ochre. Hematite often appears within other crystals such as Aventurine or as phantom crystals.

Hardness: 5.5-6.5
Specific Gravity: 5.2-5.3
Cleavage: none
Not Magnetic
Fracture: Conchoidal, Uneven, Splintered
Refractive Index: 2.94-3.22
Transparency: Opaque naturally; when thinly sliced, transparent with a red tint
Specular-mirrored finished
Luster: metallic or dull
Crystal Sytem: Trigonal
Crystal Habits: tubular, twinned, micaceous, botroudal, oolitic
Subject to rusting
Hematite is the major ore mined to produce Iron and hence, a very important mineral in the economies of many countries. 
Deposits of Hematite exist in South America in Brazil; in Europe in Sweden, Germany, Norway, England, and Spain; in the Pacific in New Zealand; and in the US in the Midwest and West. 
Hematite, also spelled as hæmatite, is the mineral form of iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3), one of several iron oxides. Hematite crystallizes in the rhombohedral system, and it has the same crystal structure as ilmenite and corundum. Hematite and ilmenite form a complete solid solution at temperatures above 950°C.
Hematite is a mineral, colored black to steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish brown, or red. It is mined as the main ore of iron. Varieties include kidney ore, martite (pseudomorphs after magnetite), iron rose and specularite (specular hematite). While the forms of hematite vary, they all have a rust-red streak. Hematite is harder than pure iron, but much more brittle. Maghemite is a hematite- and magnetite-related oxide mineral.
Huge deposits of hematite are found in banded iron formations. Grey hematite is typically found in places where there has been standing water or mineral hot springs, such as those in Yellowstone National Park in the United States. The mineral can precipitate out of water and collect in layers at the bottom of a lake, spring, or other standing water. Hematite can also occur without water, however, usually as the result of volcanic activity.
Clay-sized hematite crystals can also occur as a secondary mineral formed by weathering processes in soil, and along with other iron oxides or oxyhydroxides such as goethite, is responsible for the red color of many tropical, ancient, or otherwise highly weathered soils.
Good specimens of hematite come from England, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, United States and Canada.
The ancient Egyptians placed hematite objects inside their tombs.
Hematite is believed to be a healing and grounding stone, strengthening the body and lessening life's stresses.
It is thought to reduce stress and enhance one's personal magnetism. It is also thought to increase optimism and courage and helpful in transforming negativity.
Flowing spirit

Rabu, September 22, 2010

Nilam/sapphire biru dalam matrik - asli dari Pakistan

Nilam biru dalam matrik putih dan kuning,  jarang ditemui.

Berat permata = 20 cts

Harga = RM 600

Selasa, September 21, 2010

Contoh pelbagai jenis batu mentah untuk permata cincin dalam koleksi saya

Dan terlalu banyak lagi batuan permata mentah, memang mencecah puluhan ribu ringgit dalam koleksi saya, tapi masa belum mengizinkan saya menguruskannya. Gambar ini sekadar untuk mengisi ruang yang saya rasakan sudah lama agak kesunyian dalam "upload"nya.